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    Samhain – Memento mori – Celebrating life

    They say at Samhain, the first of November, the veil between this world and the other world, the world of our ancestors, spirit, souls, magical beings is very thin. They say you can get in connection with the realm of spirit and can deeply connect with the fact that you are a mortal being and only have a limited time, at least as we define time, on this earth. With the start of November we give thanks to those who walked this planet before us, who influenced us, who played an important part in our lives.  They’ve already made it to the other side, and when we think of our…

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    The flicker of the moment

    Sometimes you can find light in the small things,in a flicker of a moment. Stand still and be aware, listen and you will find them. They often vanish so fast, unnoticed, lost in the upcoming night. Look for the light, for the rising moments of joy and then be with them just the way you are. And you will spark a light of hope in your heart that shines for you in moments of darkness.

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    When something new is emerging, letting go of the old, then there is so much beauty arising, even if it is vulnerable and feels overwhelming. But there is freedom on the horizon and it is the only way to live in the ocean of the heart.

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    Follow the light

    “May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien Even in the darkest places is a light within. Even in the moments of despair is a light of hope. Even in the coldest nights is a light that warms the heart. Even in the end is a light of new beginnings.

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    What if sensitivity is a super power?

    ‚You need to grow a thick skin,‘ ‚don’t take it to your heart so much,‘ ‚life is hard and with your sensitivity you won’t make it in life,‘ ,pull yourself together…’ Do you know these kind of „well-intentioned“ advices? Or did you hear them from your parents since childhood? Or experienced them with friends while they gave you the feeling of being ‚too much‘? What if sensitivity is a super power?  What if highly sensitive people bring empathy into this world, into an environment of faster, bigger, more, of an environment of fears, worries and chronic diseases? What if sensitivity helps people because they feel really seen and understood? What…

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    Comparison is the thief of joy

    I find myself questioning today, questioning my voice, the stories I want to write, the photos I take, the dream of creating a community and inspire people.I find myself questioning the whole path I’m going.‚What am I doing wrong? Is it my voice, the content or how I communicate? Am I good enough to do this?’ No, I haven’t the step-by-step guide, the checklist or the easy way to solve a problem, because I don’t believe in such a thing. I haven’t the rainbows and unicorns content, the show of how amazing everything is at any time… Life has thrown so many stones on my way that I can say:…

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    The comfort of the forest

    I dream that I can sit by the trees and feel the earth under my feet. I dream that I can listen to the leaves in the wind and to the sound of the flowing water. I dream that the trees having my back, that I can lean my face against them. I dream that my tears run with the river and the trees keeping me close until my sorrow is flowing away. I dream of trees protecting me, of water that nourishes me and a place that fills my heart with hope.

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    “I listened to my inner desires. I became who I wanted to be because I didn’t get trapped in other peoples ideas of who I should be.” ― Brendon Burchard Becoming is to learn, to recognize where you want to go. Becoming is to wish how your future will look like. Becoming is to connect to your heart and dive into it courageously. Becoming is to plant a seed and caring for it until it becomes your true self.

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    Life is too precious

    Life is too short to not follow your highest excitement. Life is too precious to have fear of death. Life is too magical to not connect to nature and to dive into the wonders of the ocean. Life is too joyful to not laugh every single day and wake up every morning with a smile on your face. Life is too joyful to not being grateful for the gift of being in this life. Life is too meaningful to have worries and sweating the small stuff, to be scared of things that will never happen. Life is too adventurous to not follow your heart and going on the journey of…

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    The stranger on the bench

    There was this old man sitting on the bench. He looked at the sea, to the pink sky the sunset was painting. When I approached him I witnessed a sad expression on his face and his hands were shaking. I wasn’t sure if I should talk to him, ask him if everything is ok but my inner voice let me do it.  „Is it ok when I sit down?“ The man looked at me and I could see tears in his eyes. He only nodded and so I sat down on, laying my camera just beside me. While I sat there, watching the sunset and thinking of how I could…

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