
Abundance – Collect moments

What if you can step into a new world just by feeling worthy and enough?

What if you can jump into the depths of the ocean just by feeling courageous and full of trust?

What if you can feel the endless possibilities, the magic and beauty of the world you are living in?

What if you can feel powerful like the waves which create new shores?

What if you can feel grateful for peace and calmness that is entering your life?

What if it’s enough to just be, to jump into your joy, to dance with the waves of your loving heart?

What if you can be playful to explore your world, to discover the abundance of the ocean of your heart?

What if you can connect to your uniqueness, to the oneness with nature, to the divine spark of your soul?

What if you can feel that you are limitless, the creator of your dreams?

What will change if you feel abundant because you know you are?

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