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    Gratitude Being grateful for every sunrise that kisses my face, for every moment the waves take me to new horizons. Being grateful for change and every journey to the ocean of my heart. Being grateful for the journey of learning, of discovering and exploring new places. Being grateful for all the challenges, the transformation and the endless possibilities. Being grateful for the healing power of the waves, how they carry me to new adventures. Being grateful for freedom and for growing into my authentic self. Being grateful for connection, for connecting with nature, to the ocean, to the ocean of my heart. Being grateful for living life like an ocean,…

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    Joy – Collect moments

    Joy Can you feel the excitement? The joy of new adventures? Can you feel the vastness of possibilities? The waves that create freedom? Can you feel the dance of the moment? The playfulness of being in the flow? Can you feel the joy of the moment? Can you feel the connection, the joy of being part of the ocean? Can you feel the courage of taking the leap? Can you feel the movement, your creation in the world? Can you feel the gratitude of being alive, the gratitude of being connected? Can you feel the joy of life?

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    Calmness Where do you find calmness, a place where your heart belongs? A time when your heart gets wings to fly? Calmness is in the little things, in the moments of just being. When was the last time, you could surrender to the moment? When was the last time, you stepped into silence? Calmness is touching the light of your soul. Calmness is the door to the ocean of your heart. Where is your place of calmness? “I’d been drowning, […] I’d been flailing on the surface. But what I really needed to do to save myself was let myself sink. It struck me that this is why we say…

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    Collect moments

    Intentions “Live with intention.Walk to the edge.Listen Hard.Practice wellness.Play with abandon.Laugh.Choose with no regret.Appreciate your friends.Continue to learn.Do what you love.Live as if this is all there is.”  ― Mary Anne Radmacher

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    The light in the dark

    The old man pointed me in the direction of a small path which lead up the hill.  „This is a secret way to the place but I really don’t know why you want to go there. Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.“ I nodded and was grateful that he knows a different way to get there. I wanted to visit this place for such a long time, even when it got so touristic. All these mystical stories that are out there about this old castle and monastery, all this magic that this place seems to hold, even if centuries took its toll on the buildings. I took my rucksack,…

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    The bridge to the future

    The bridge to the future I walked through the dense forest and could hear the sound of a waterfall in the distance. I stopped. Wasn’t there a cracking noice? Is there someone here with me? The huge trees seemed to observe me, the leaves and small branches didn’t let me walk too fast. I reached a clearing lined with old oak trees, a river flowed through it and at the end of the clearing was a wooden bridge, framed with the branches of the trees. There was this noice again, right by the bridge and then I could see here. An old lady wearing a white, long hooded cloak. She…

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    Courage of the heart

    “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”  ― E.E. Cummings What does it mean to become who you really are? What is the blueprint we grow into, the uniqueness, living in alignment with our gifts and talents? How can we reach this state? It’s having the courage to go inward, to look into the heart and listening to its voice. It’s having the courage to be in silence and allowing everything to come up, all that was hidden in the depths. It’s having the courage to feel what we didn’t want to feel, to change it into compassion and forgiveness. It’s having the courage to dream…

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    The flow of water

    “Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world’s great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters.”  ― Norman Maclean “…whatever happens to the world, the river never stops responding to the friendly breeze with its murmuring soundof joyfulness.”  ― Munia Khan When everything feels heavy and wants to pull you under the surface, like unspoken words of stone, go with the flow of the water. Whenever you feel you losing ground, being tossed…

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    Silent guardians

    “The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity… and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.”  ― William Blake “We have nothing to fear and a great deal to learn from trees, that vigorours and pacific tribe which without stint produces strengthening essences for us, soothing balms, and in whose gracious company we spend so many cool, silent, and intimate hours.”  ― Marcel Proust How they stand there, the guardians of silence, watching over my healing heart.…

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    White feather

    It’s one of these days when you send your dreams over the water, wishes for a future in alignment with your heart. It’s one of these days when your heart is full of joy and gratitude and you feel that the water will send your wishes back to you. Dream from your heart, as if your dreams are light like a feather. They will reach the sky and one day you have your wings to fly. It’s one of these days when you know you will fly over the water and catch your dreams. These dreams that are waiting for you that you grow your white feathers. It’s one of…

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