
Courage of the heart

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” 

― E.E. Cummings

What does it mean to become who you really are? What is the blueprint we grow into, the uniqueness, living in alignment with our gifts and talents? How can we reach this state?

It’s having the courage to go inward, to look into the heart and listening to its voice.

It’s having the courage to be in silence and allowing everything to come up, all that was hidden in the depths.

It’s having the courage to feel what we didn’t want to feel, to change it into compassion and forgiveness.

It’s having the courage to dream and taking these visions as action steps from the heart.

It’s having the courage to live in your heart’s ocean and go from there into the world.

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” 

― Maya Angelou

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