
The bridge to the future

The bridge to the future

I walked through the dense forest and could hear the sound of a waterfall in the distance. I stopped. Wasn’t there a cracking noice? Is there someone here with me? The huge trees seemed to observe me, the leaves and small branches didn’t let me walk too fast. I reached a clearing lined with old oak trees, a river flowed through it and at the end of the clearing was a wooden bridge, framed with the branches of the trees.

There was this noice again, right by the bridge and then I could see here. An old lady wearing a white, long hooded cloak. She was waiting for me and I walked slowly towards her. I sensed no fear, just the opposite, a warm and comforting feeling emanated from her.

„Finally you are here,“ she said in a kind voice, „I have waited for you for such a long time. All the hints and messages I sent to you. But now you have followed them. I will guide you over this bridge, over the river of ‚No return‘. Will you trust me and walk with me to the other side?“

I  wanted to go with her but something let me pause, a tight feeling spread around my chest and I couldn’t move. „Where will we go? What’s on the other side? And why is the river called: ,No return’?“, I asked with a trembling voice.

„You have nothing to fear, all what you wish for is on the other side. Will you trust me and leave your old world behind? Will you pass this river and step into a new world, a world of your dreams?“

I hesitated but something drew me to this bridge, to this old lady and with every step my heart became lighter. Every step I took over the bridge let me forget my fears. They seemed to vanish with the flow of the river. Moments of my past run through my head, moments of grief, of wounds but the pictures got smaller until they were only a tiny point.

When my feet touched the ground of the other side, I saw the waterfall and in the far distance a clear blue horizon, a sparkling ocean. I felt a deep sense of peace and a great joy. There was this kind voice again:“ You are where I was leading you all this time. You are home.“

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