
“You capture the beauty we can’t see.”

„You capture the beauty we can’t see.“

A sentence a stranger said to me while I was on a walk, getting off the little path and taking pictures of frozen drops hanging from a branch.

Just five minutes before that an old lady watched me how I was so excited about the sun brightening a part of the forest and letting it look like a mystical place where fairies could have their home.

„What delights you so much? You are beaming,“ she said to me and all I could say is:

“Look at this light, isn’t it wonderful?“

In the last few days I have to think about this incident so much, about how it would be if I can bring joy and beauty to the people to cheer them up, to inspire them and make them forget their worries for a while.

What if this is what my creativity is all about, to bring hope, comfort and connection into their life?

What if my photography and writing captures something my heart and soul see and give it write back to you?

What if there’s no ‚is it enough, worthy, perfect?‘

What if the creativity from the heart and soul speaks for itself and put a smile on people’s face because it’s perfect imperfection and real, because it comes from the joy of the heart?

I was also in my joy when I took the picture of the kites. It reminded me of being joyful and carefree like a child. It was as if the kites painted an ocean in the sky, a colorful reef, a dance of fish in the sky’s ocean.

What’s your moment of beauty, of joy, when you felt in the flow of your heart and someone reminded you of the precious and creative being you are?

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