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    Connect to your waves of joy

    I’ve just written a free flow writing article about experiencing joy in daily life. I think it’s something we all struggle with especially in these difficult times. How can we experience joy when we had to go through worries and grief? How can we get out of a state of fear, of uncertainty and feeling overwhelmed by what’s going on in our life? How to experience joy when we deal with regrets about what has happened in the past? But what if it’s possible to live in alignment with your heart’s joy? What if life is about living in your highest excitement every day? “It is never too late to…

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    “You capture the beauty we can’t see.”

    „You capture the beauty we can’t see.“ A sentence a stranger said to me while I was on a walk, getting off the little path and taking pictures of frozen drops hanging from a branch. Just five minutes before that an old lady watched me how I was so excited about the sun brightening a part of the forest and letting it look like a mystical place where fairies could have their home. „What delights you so much? You are beaming,“ she said to me and all I could say is: “Look at this light, isn’t it wonderful?“ In the last few days I have to think about this incident…

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    “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” ― John Lubbock Today I want to just be, to follow the way of rest, to nurture my love for learning and be playful like a child. Today I want to follow my inner voice and listen to it, to fill my heart with new energy and creativity. Today I pause.

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    Sun breaking through the clouds

    What if seeing the sun breaking through the clouds is a reminder for you to be present and to see the beauty in life? What if it is a reminder that better days, the healing of your sorrow is on the horizon? How many times did you ignore these signs, could’t witness it because your thoughts of the past clouded your mind, made you feel sad and stuck? How many times did you regret your decisions, the way you chose and that let your heart break again? What if theses rays of the sun are a reminder of hope, of letting go and starting into a better future? What if…

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    Connection – Collect moments

    Connection Connect to the grounding energy of nature, to the ebb and flow of the waves. Connect to the healing energy of the ocean, to the feeling of being held and carried into feeling home and embraced. Connect to your joy, to being playful and curious like a child again. Connect to the explorer in you, to the wind in your sails. Connect to the adventure, to the journey of your life. Connect to new possibilities, to the wide horizon that awaits you. Connect to the wave only you can surf, even if you’ll fall off sometimes. Connection will help you find your way. Connection will help you finding peace.…

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    Abundance – Collect moments

    What if you can step into a new world just by feeling worthy and enough? What if you can jump into the depths of the ocean just by feeling courageous and full of trust? What if you can feel the endless possibilities, the magic and beauty of the world you are living in? What if you can feel powerful like the waves which create new shores? What if you can feel grateful for peace and calmness that is entering your life? What if it’s enough to just be, to jump into your joy, to dance with the waves of your loving heart? What if you can be playful to explore…

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    Resilience – Collect moments

    What makes you keep going, going under a cloudy sky? What helps you to turn around to see the sun again? What makes you strong enough to let the storm pass? What helps you to hope that you will reach the shore again? What gives you the courage to set sails, to weather wind and waves? What gives you the confidence that you will reach the safe harbour? Even when the waves crashing down on you, you have the ability to surf them. Even when you get lost in the currents, you have the ability to get into calm waters. You can reach the top, you can overcome any obstacle…

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    Freedom – Collect moments

    Freedom is finding new horizons, leaving the old shores and stepping into the unknown. Freedom is exploring hidden ways, finding ways off the track. Freedom is growing wings and learning to fly. Freedom is exploring the magic of life, is being in awe of the endless possibilities. Freedom is going with the flow, surfing into joy and aliveness. Freedom is going on adventures, is dancing under the rainbow. Freedom is stepping into stillness, into the healing depths of your heart. Freedom is diving into your emotions, is discovering your true self. Freedom is diving into the healing energy of the ocean. Freedom is like the ocean, like the sunrise of…

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    Creativity – Collect moments

    Let’s get on a journey of exploration, of exploring new perspectives. Let’s get on a journey of creating, of walking on your own way. Step into the ocean of creativity, into the beauty of small things, of unique patterns, of exploring the tides of transformation. Creativity shows you a new world, a world of diversity, of colorful joy, of fulfillment and abundance, of freedom, and of trust in the ocean of life. Let’s get on a journey of finding your wave, a wave only you can surf, in your unique way, an expression of your soul. Let’s get on journey where you create and build a world in alignment with…

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    Adventure – Collect moments

    Will you step into your ocean, into the adventure of life? Will you dive into your ocean of endless possibilities, into the courage of your heart? There’s so much to explore, a colorful world is waiting for you.  Will you go on your adventure, the great journey of your life? Adventures expand your horizon, take you into the vastness of the ocean. Adventures make you feel alive, let you experience joy and playfulness. Adventures are waiting for you in every bay, just around the next bend. Step into your adventure, experience miracles and the magical beauty of nature. Step into the adventure of stillness, of connecting to your heart. Step…

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